Atma Connect Creates New Platform to Connect & Empower Grassroots-led Environmental Justice Across the US

Here’s an update on Atma Connect’s 5-year partnership with ISC and USEPA to empower environmental justice via tech and community engagement among grassroots organizations. (See Atma’s 2023 press release.)

Grassroots environmental groups across the U.S. now have a dedicated platform to help them access technical assistance in their region and apply for grants — at — built by Atma Connect, in partnership with Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC). Key features of the platform include a searchable grants database for funding opportunities, links to regional technical assistance providers, and environmental justice events and news.

EJ TC TAC stands for Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers, part of the Thriving Communities Initiative. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, selected 16 regional technical assistance centers and three national centers to help underserved communities across the country access much-needed resources.

“We believe that communities know what they need, but, due to racial inequity and divestment, have had limited access to the technical support and resources to implement the solutions. The EJ TCTAC website will connect communities most impacted by environmental and climate justice with the direct lines of support and resources to meet their needs,” said Sonia Joshi, director of U.S. programs at ISC. ISC is one of the three national TC TACs.

“At Atma Connect, our mission is to empower local brilliance for climate and environmental justice. The platform is an important step in connecting front line communities with the resources they need to create positive environmental change in their communities,” said Meena Palaniappan, CEO, Atma Connect.

“The launch of this new website underscores our unwavering commitment to leveraging the nation’s vast resources in technical assistance in obtaining funding for communities to address their environmental and energy justice concerns. This website serves as a centralized information hub for the EJ TCTAC core mission of connecting communities to technical assistance like ours to apply for grants,” said Yogani Govender, project director, EAGLE-TCTAC, EPA Region 2, Caribbean.

Atma also designed and launched a successful collaborative intranet to foster communication and collaboration among the technical centers and federal agencies.

Over the next few months, additional features will be added to the EJ TCTAC platform including a knowledge sharing platform to assist grassroots groups in implementing environmental justice and managing federal funding.

At a glance

New website for U.S. environmental groups to find their regional technical assistance center, obtain technical assistance and find information to apply for grants that are right for them.

About Atma

Atma Connect is an award-winning global nonprofit technology organization that creates platforms and engagement strategies to connect people so they can report problems, share solutions, and improve their communities. We create the infrastructure for locally led impact at scale — in short, we empower local brilliance. Our tech platforms and secret sauce unite communities for bottom-up solutions — for climate change, disaster resilience, and economic empowerment. Join us in building a world where everyone thrives. For more information, visit

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