Atma could not have accomplished so much in 2018 without you!

It has been an incredible 2018. With your help, we’ve taken Atma to the next level. We’ve proven AtmaGo’s ability to save lives and prevent economic losses in disaster, reached over 1 million people in Indonesia, and built a movement of people helping people. We are so proud to share everything we’ve accomplished with your support this year! In 2018, together we have:

  • Helped communities in Lombok and Sulawesi after the catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis that affected millions. People shared information on food, shelter, healthcare, and organized to rebuild and support each other.
  • Released an independent evaluation that showed AtmaGo saves lives and property, This report was covered by Reuters and reached millions of people around the world.
  • Conducted Human Centered Design interviews with future users in Puerto Rico to jumpstart stalled recovery and resilience efforts on the island.
  • Created a Community-Based Hazard Reporting feature on AtmaGo which solves the problem of failed early warning systems in cities around the world.
  • Launched a brand new AtmaGo Android App and improved the performance of mobile web and Android for poor internet and low-end phones.
  • Reached over 1 million people in Indonesia so that they can report problems, share solutions, and improve their communities from the ground up.

In 2019, our goal is to reach millions of people in Indonesia, Puerto Rico, and beyond so they can help each other build resilience. We will continue to scale the app and add new features so that disaster-vulnerable communities can be connected at the most critical times, even when the power is down.

Join us today, this #GivingTuesday, and through the end of the year to support our work in 2019! Atma’s Board members have committed $10,000 to match donations given at the end of the year! Help us meet our match! Look for our #GivingTuesday email on November 27th and be sure to share with your networks.

Thank you for your support. Atma could not have accomplished so much without friends, family, and partners like you.


Atma Connect Team

P.S. Don’t forget to increase your impact by donating today, on #GivingTuesday, and through the end of the year.

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